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Who is not Suitable for Pico Laser Treatment? I Lumi Clinic

pico laser

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Pico Laser treatment is a popular and effective method for various skin concerns. It uses short pulses of laser energy to target problem areas. Pico Laser treats pigmentation, acne scars, and wrinkles effectively.


However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for Pico Laser treatment. It’s crucial to know if you fall into this category. Knowing this can prevent unwanted side effects and ensure the best results.


At Lumi Clinic, we prioritise patient safety and satisfaction. We assess each patient thoroughly before recommending Pico Laser treatment. Our experienced professionals guide you through the process, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Skin Conditions and Sensitivities

Active Skin Infections

Active skin infections can pose a significant risk during Pico Laser treatment. Infections like herpes and acne are common contraindications. Treating infected skin with a laser can spread the infection and worsen the condition.


It’s essential to let your practitioner know about any active skin infections. They can recommend alternative treatments or postpone the laser session. Statistics show that treating infections first leads to better outcomes.

Severe Skin Conditions

Severe skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis can be exacerbated by laser treatments. These conditions can cause the skin to react unpredictably. Laser treatment on such skin can lead to flare-ups and increased discomfort.


Patients with severe skin conditions should seek professional advice. Our experts at Lumi Clinic provide tailored solutions for such cases. Current statistics reveal a significant prevalence of these conditions. Proper management is key to avoiding complications.

Hypersensitive Skin Types

Hypersensitive skin types react strongly to various treatments. Pico Laser can cause adverse reactions in these individuals. A patch test can determine if your skin is hypersensitive.


Hypersensitive skin can become red, irritated, and inflamed. It’s crucial to identify this sensitivity before proceeding with treatment. Data shows that a considerable percentage of people have hypersensitive skin. Proper assessment ensures safe and effective treatment.

Medical Conditions and Medications

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid Pico Laser treatments. The risks to the mother and baby outweigh the benefits. Laser treatments can cause hormonal changes and affect milk production.


Medical guidelines advise against elective cosmetic procedures during pregnancy. Breastfeeding mothers should wait until they stop nursing. Safety is paramount, and following these guidelines ensures the well-being of both mother and child.

Certain Medications

Certain medications can interfere with Pico Laser treatments. Blood thinners and photosensitizing drugs are common examples. These medications can increase the risk of bruising and pigmentation issues.


Patients should disclose all medications to their practitioner. Adjusting or pausing medication can reduce these risks. Statistics highlight the prevalence of such medications among patients. Proper management is essential for safe treatment.

Immunocompromised Individuals

Individuals with weakened immune systems should avoid Pico Laser treatments. Their bodies may struggle to heal, leading to complications. Conditions like HIV, autoimmune diseases, and recent surgeries are key factors.


Immunocompromised patients need specialised care. Lumi Clinic provides alternative treatments suited to their needs. Current data shows a growing number of immunocompromised individuals. Ensuring their safety is our priority.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You need a professional assessment to determine suitability. Mild conditions might still pose risks. Consult with our experts to get personalised advice.

Generally, Pico Laser is safe. However, individual assessments are crucial. Our clinic provides tailored recommendations for your skin type.

Lumi Clinic offers various alternative treatments. Options include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and non-laser therapies. Schedule a consultation to explore these alternatives.

Recovery times vary based on the infection type. Generally, wait until the skin is fully healed. Our professionals can provide specific timelines for your case.

Yes, pre-treatment steps are essential. These may include avoiding sun exposure and certain skincare products. Our clinic provides detailed instructions to ensure optimal results.


Pico Laser treatment offers significant benefits for many skin concerns. However, it’s not suitable for everyone. Understanding who should avoid this treatment is crucial for safety and effectiveness.


At Lumi Clinic, we prioritise patient well-being. We assess each individual’s suitability for Pico Laser treatment. Skin conditions, medical history, and age play a crucial role in this assessment.


If you have active skin infections, severe skin conditions, or hypersensitive skin, Pico Laser might not be right for you. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals on certain medications, and immunocompromised patients should also avoid this treatment. Age considerations are also important, as very young and elderly patients may have different skin healing responses.


Consulting with a qualified professional is essential. Lumi Clinic offers personalised consultations to determine the best treatment options for your skin concerns. We provide safe and effective alternatives if Pico Laser is not suitable for you.