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Potential Risks and Side Effects of Pico Laser Treatment

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Pico Laser treatment is gaining popularity for its effectiveness in treating skin concerns. At Lumi Clinic, we see many clients opting for this advanced laser therapy. However, like any cosmetic procedure, it’s important to understand the potential risks and side effects.


Pico Laser uses ultra-short pulses to target skin issues like pigmentation, acne scars, and fine lines. Its precision makes it effective and appealing. But, being well-informed about the possible side effects is crucial for a safe experience.


Common side effects include redness, swelling, and mild pain. These are generally temporary and manageable with proper aftercare. Rare risks such as scarring and infection need careful consideration. Your skin type, medical history, and lifestyle also affect the likelihood of side effects.


Choosing a reputable clinic like Lumi Clinic can significantly reduce these risks. We prioritise patient safety and provide personalised care to ensure optimal results. Our team is experienced and dedicated to guiding you through the process.

Common Side Effects of Pico Laser Treatment

Redness and Swelling

Redness and swelling are common after Pico Laser treatment. This is your skin’s natural response to the laser. It usually subsides within a few hours to a couple of days. Proper aftercare, like applying soothing creams, helps reduce these symptoms.


Cold compresses can also alleviate swelling and redness. Avoiding sun exposure and using gentle skincare products are crucial. Most patients experience these side effects mildly and find them manageable.


According to studies, over 80% of patients report redness and swelling post-treatment. These effects are temporary and part of the healing process.

Skin Discolouration

Skin discolouration, including hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, can occur. Hyperpigmentation means your skin becomes darker in treated areas. Hypopigmentation results in lighter skin patches. These conditions are often temporary but can last a few months.


Risk factors include having darker skin tones and exposure to sunlight. Using sunscreen and following aftercare instructions can minimise these risks. If discolouration occurs, there are treatments available to address it.


Statistics show that around 10% of patients might experience some form of skin discolouration. Early intervention can effectively manage these changes.


Mild Pain and Discomfort

Mild pain and discomfort are expected during and after the procedure. The sensation is often described as a tingling or slight burning. Pain levels vary depending on individual pain tolerance and the area being treated.


Topical anaesthetics can help reduce pain during the treatment. Post-treatment, over-the-counter pain relievers may be used. Most patients find the discomfort tolerable and worth the results.


Studies indicate that around 90% of patients experience some level of discomfort. Proper pain management strategies enhance the overall experience.

Rare but Serious Risks


Scarring is a rare but serious risk of Pico Laser treatment. It can occur if the skin reacts adversely to the laser. Scars can be hypertrophic or keloid, which means raised and noticeable.


Preventative measures include following pre-treatment and post-treatment care instructions. At Lumi Clinic, we use advanced techniques to minimise scarring risk. Early intervention can help manage any scarring that does occur.


Research shows that less than 1% of patients develop scars. Most cases are treatable and improve over time.


Infection is another rare risk associated with Pico Laser treatments. It can happen if bacteria enter the treated area. Signs include increased redness, swelling, and pain.


Preventing infection involves keeping the treated area clean and avoiding touching it. Following aftercare instructions diligently reduces this risk significantly. Lumi Clinic ensures sterile conditions to prevent infections.


Statistics suggest that infections occur in less than 0.5% of cases. Prompt treatment can effectively resolve infections if they occur.

Individual Factors Affecting Risk

Skin Type


Different skin types react differently to Pico Laser treatment. For instance, individuals with darker skin tones might face a higher risk of pigmentation changes, such as hyperpigmentation (darkening) or hypopigmentation (lightening). This is due to the higher melanin content in darker skin, which can respond more intensely to laser treatments. By understanding your specific skin type, our experts at Lumi Clinic can adjust the laser settings and treatment plan to minimise these risks.

Medical History

Your medical history plays a significant role in determining how your skin might react to Pico Laser treatment. Those with a history of keloids or hypertrophic scarring are more prone to developing scars after laser treatments. Additionally, any underlying skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, can also impact the treatment’s outcome. At Lumi Clinic, we take a detailed medical history to ensure we understand any potential risks and take steps to mitigate them.

Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle choices can greatly affect the risk of side effects. For example, regular sun exposure can increase the risk of hyperpigmentation after Pico Laser treatment. It is crucial to avoid sun exposure before and after the treatment to protect your skin. Smoking can also impair the skin’s healing process, making it more susceptible to complications. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper skincare routines and avoiding harmful habits, can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and reduce the risk of adverse effects.

Personalised Consultations

At Lumi Clinic, we prioritise personalised consultations to consider these individual factors. Our thorough pre-treatment assessments include discussing your medical history, skincare routine, and lifestyle habits. This comprehensive approach allows us to design a customised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs, ensuring both safety and effectiveness.

Mitigating Risks

Our experts at Lumi Clinic are dedicated to mitigating risks by tailoring treatments to suit each patient. We use advanced techniques and the latest technology to adjust the laser settings based on your skin type and medical history. This personalised approach helps to minimise side effects and achieve the desired results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Pico Laser treatment is generally safe for all skin types. However, those with darker skin tones may have a higher risk of pigmentation changes. A thorough consultation at Lumi Clinic ensures the treatment is tailored to your specific skin type to minimise risks.

Side effects like redness and swelling typically last a few hours to a couple of days. Skin discolouration can last a few months but is usually temporary. Proper aftercare helps reduce the duration of side effects.

Permanent damage is rare with Pico Laser treatment. Risks like scarring and severe discolouration are minimal when proper care is taken. Choosing an experienced clinic like Lumi Clinic further reduces the likelihood of permanent damage.

If you experience severe side effects, contact Lumi Clinic immediately. Our team will provide guidance and necessary treatments to address any adverse reactions. Early intervention is crucial for managing severe side effects effectively.

To minimise the risk of side effects, follow pre-treatment and post-treatment care instructions diligently. Use sunscreen, avoid sun exposure, and keep the treated area clean. Choosing a reputable clinic like Lumi Clinic ensures that you receive expert care and personalised treatment plans.


Understanding the potential risks and side effects of Pico Laser treatment is essential for making an informed decision. While common side effects like redness, swelling, and mild pain are typically temporary, rare risks such as scarring and infection require careful consideration. Individual factors like skin type, medical history, and lifestyle also influence the likelihood of side effects. At Lumi Clinic, we prioritise patient safety and provide personalised care to minimise these risks and ensure optimal results.

Booking a consultation with Lumi Clinic is the first step towards safe and effective skin rejuvenation. Our experienced team will evaluate your skin and provide a customised treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and concerns. This ensures minimal risk and maximum benefit, allowing you to enjoy the advantages of Pico Laser treatment with confidence.

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Pico Laser I What You Must Know Before & After Treatment

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Pico Laser technology is revolutionising the skincare industry. This advanced laser treatment targets skin imperfections with precision. It uses ultra-short pulses to break down pigment without damaging surrounding tissue.


Understanding pre and post-treatment care is essential for optimal results. Many clients at Lumi Clinic seek Pico Laser for its effectiveness and minimal downtime. However, knowing what to do before and after can make a significant difference.


Pico Laser is versatile, treating various skin concerns such as pigmentation, acne scars, and fine lines. This non-invasive procedure offers quick recovery and long-lasting results. At Lumi Clinic, we ensure you receive the best care and advice.


Before your treatment, a professional consultation is crucial. Our experts will assess your skin and discuss your goals. Proper preparation includes avoiding sun exposure and adjusting your skincare routine. Post-treatment care is equally important, focusing on soothing the skin and protecting it from the sun.


In this article, we will guide you through the entire process. From preparation to aftercare, you’ll learn everything you need to know. We’ll also cover the benefits of Pico Laser and answer common questions. By the end, you’ll understand how to achieve the best results with Pico Laser at Lumi Clinic.


Whether you’re new to Pico Laser or looking for more information, this guide is for you. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions and enjoy healthy, glowing skin. Read on to discover the secrets to successful Pico Laser treatment.

Preparing for Your Pico Laser Treatment

A. Consultation and Skin Assessment

A professional consultation is the first step to success. At Lumi Clinic, our experts assess your skin type and condition. They ensure Pico Laser is suitable for you.


A thorough skin analysis helps determine the best treatment plan. It identifies areas needing attention and sets realistic expectations. You’ll know what results to expect and how many sessions you might need.


Setting realistic expectations is key to satisfaction. Our experts will explain the process and potential outcomes. You’ll feel confident and prepared for your treatment journey.


B. Pre-Treatment Guidelines

Avoiding sun exposure is crucial before your treatment. Sunburnt skin can complicate the procedure and recovery. Use SPF and stay in the shade as much as possible.


Adjust your skincare routine for the best results. Discontinue products with retinoids or acids a week before treatment. These ingredients can increase skin sensitivity.


Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet. Good hydration aids skin recovery and overall health. Eating well-balanced meals supports your skin’s healing process.


C. Understanding the Procedure

During the session, you’ll experience minimal discomfort. The laser pulses feel like tiny pinpricks on the skin. Our experts ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.


Each session’s duration depends on the treatment area. Smaller areas take about 15 minutes, while larger ones might take longer. Regardless of size, you can return to your routine immediately.


Immediate post-treatment care includes cooling and soothing the skin. Our team will apply calming products and provide aftercare instructions. You’ll leave Lumi Clinic with a clear plan for recovery.


Aftercare for Optimal Results

A. Immediate Post-Treatment Care

Cooling and soothing the treated area is vital. Use ice packs or cooling gels to reduce redness and swelling. Avoid makeup and certain skincare products for the first 24 hours.


Monitoring for common side effects is essential. Mild redness and swelling are normal and temporary. If you notice unusual reactions, contact Lumi Clinic for advice.


B. Long-Term Skincare Routine

Sun protection is crucial for maintaining results. Apply broad-spectrum SPF daily to shield your skin from UV damage. This practice prevents pigmentation and prolongs the effects of Pico Laser.


Use gentle skincare products to support healing. Avoid harsh ingredients and focus on hydration. Follow-up treatments may be recommended for lasting improvements.


C. Managing Side Effects and Complications

Identify and address adverse reactions promptly. If you experience prolonged redness or swelling, seek medical advice. Early intervention ensures quick resolution and minimal disruption.


Follow our tips for faster recovery. Keep the treated area clean and moisturised. Stay hydrated and follow a balanced diet to support skin health.


Benefits and Effectiveness of Pico Laser Treatment

Pico Laser offers high precision and minimal downtime. It targets skin imperfections without harming surrounding tissue. This makes it an ideal choice for busy individuals.


The versatility of Pico Laser is unmatched. It effectively treats pigmentation, acne scars, and fine lines. Clients see noticeable improvements after just a few sessions.


Long-lasting results and high satisfaction rates are common. Most clients report smoother, clearer skin for months after treatment. Lumi Clinic’s expertise ensures you achieve the best outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You may notice some initial improvements within a week after your Pico Laser treatment. This is because the laser breaks down pigmentation and stimulates collagen production, which starts to show effects quickly. However, the full effects of the treatment typically develop over several weeks as your skin undergoes a natural healing process. During this period, you may observe gradual lightening of pigmentation, reduction in fine lines, and overall improvement in skin texture. It’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by Lumi Clinic to maximise your results and ensure a smooth recovery.

Most clients describe the sensation during Pico Laser treatment as mild discomfort rather than pain. The feeling is often compared to tiny pinpricks or the snap of a rubber band against the skin. Lumi Clinic ensures your comfort by using a cooling device to minimise any discomfort during the procedure. Additionally, if you have a low pain threshold, a topical numbing cream can be applied to the treatment area beforehand. This helps to further alleviate any potential discomfort, allowing you to undergo the treatment with ease and confidence.

The number of Pico Laser sessions required varies depending on your specific skin condition and desired results. On average, most clients need between 3 to 5 sessions to achieve optimal outcomes. Factors such as the type and severity of pigmentation, the presence of acne scars, and overall skin health can influence the number of treatments needed. During your consultation at Lumi Clinic, our experts will assess your skin and recommend a customised treatment plan tailored to your needs. They will provide a realistic timeline for achieving the best results, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the process.

Yes, Pico Laser can be effectively combined with other skincare treatments to enhance your results. For instance, it can be paired with treatments like chemical peels, microneedling, or dermal fillers to address multiple skin concerns simultaneously. Combining treatments can provide comprehensive rejuvenation and improve overall skin health. At Lumi Clinic, our experts will evaluate your skin condition and discuss your aesthetic goals to create a personalised treatment plan. This plan may include a combination of procedures to ensure you achieve the best possible results.

Pico Laser is a safe and non-invasive treatment with minimal risks. Common side effects include mild redness and swelling, which usually subside within a few hours to a couple of days after the treatment. These side effects are temporary and part of the natural healing process. In rare cases, some clients might experience slight bruising or changes in skin pigmentation, but these effects are generally short-lived and resolve on their own. Lumi Clinic’s experienced professionals take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety and provide thorough aftercare instructions to help you manage any side effects effectively. If you have any concerns or experience unusual reactions, our team is always available to offer guidance and support.


Understanding pre and post-treatment care is essential for Pico Laser success. Proper preparation and aftercare ensure the best results. Lumi Clinic’s experts are here to guide you through every step.

We encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. Our personalised approach guarantees effective and safe treatments. Contact Lumi Clinic today to start your journey towards flawless skin.

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Pico Laser for Acne Scars I Safe and Effective

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Acne scars can significantly impact an individual’s confidence and self-esteem, making it challenging to feel comfortable in their own skin. In Malaysia, where the humid climate often exacerbates acne, finding an effective solution for acne scars is a common concern. Enter Pico Laser technology – a revolutionary treatment that promises to address acne scars safely and effectively. At Lumi Clinic, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of advanced skincare treatments, offering our patients cutting-edge solutions to their skin concerns.

Pico Laser technology works by utilising ultra-short laser pulses to penetrate the skin and target scar tissue. This process not only breaks down the pigmentation and fibrous tissue causing the scars but also stimulates collagen production, leading to smoother and rejuvenated skin. Unlike traditional laser treatments, Pico Laser is designed to minimise damage to the surrounding skin, ensuring a quicker recovery with minimal side effects.

The prevalence of acne scars is notable, with statistics indicating that nearly 95% of individuals who suffer from acne will experience some degree of scarring. This widespread issue has led to a growing demand for effective treatments, making Pico Laser a popular choice among dermatologists and patients alike. At Lumi Clinic, our experienced team of dermatologists and skincare specialists are dedicated to providing personalised treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Choosing Lumi Clinic for your Pico Laser treatment ensures you receive care from a team that is not only skilled but also committed to achieving the best possible results for your skin. Our clinic is equipped with the latest Pico Laser technology, guaranteeing a safe and effective treatment experience. Whether you are dealing with minor blemishes or more severe scarring, Lumi Clinic is here to help you on your journey to clearer, healthier skin.

1. Understanding Pico Laser Technology

A. How Pico Laser Works 

Pico Laser technology employs ultra-short laser pulses that specifically target and break down the scar tissue without causing significant damage to the surrounding skin. These pulses create a photomechanical effect, which shatters the pigment particles in the scar tissue, allowing the body to naturally eliminate them. Additionally, the laser energy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, essential components for skin repair and rejuvenation. This dual-action mechanism not only reduces the appearance of acne scars but also enhances overall skin texture and tone.

B. Benefits of Pico Laser for Acne Scars 

One of the main advantages of Pico Laser is its non-invasive nature. Unlike surgical procedures, which involve cutting and stitching, Pico Laser treatment requires no incisions, resulting in no surgical scars and significantly less downtime. Sessions are relatively quick, usually lasting between 15 to 30 minutes, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules. Patients often report minimal discomfort during the procedure, typically described as a light snapping sensation against the skin. This makes the treatment more tolerable compared to other laser therapies.

C. Safety Profile of Pico Laser 

Pico Laser is renowned for its safety, making it suitable for a wide range of skin types and tones. This is particularly important in Malaysia, where diverse skin tones are common. The technology has been FDA-approved, ensuring it meets high safety standards. One of the significant benefits of Pico Laser is its reduced risk of hyperpigmentation and scarring, side effects that are more prevalent with other types of laser treatments. The precision of Pico Laser allows for targeted treatment, minimising the risk of adverse reactions and promoting faster healing.

2. Patient Experience and Results

A. Visible Improvement 

Patients undergoing Pico Laser treatment often notice a marked improvement in their skin’s appearance. According to recent statistics, approximately 80% of patients observe significant reductions in acne scars after just three sessions. At Lumi Clinic, we showcase numerous case studies where patients have experienced dramatic improvements in their skin’s clarity and texture. Our before-and-after photos provide visual evidence of the treatment’s effectiveness, highlighting the transformative results our patients achieve.

B. Personalized Treatment Plans 

At Lumi Clinic, we understand that every patient’s skin is unique. Our approach begins with a thorough initial consultation, where we assess the patient’s skin type, the severity of their acne scars, and their treatment goals. Based on this assessment, we develop a personalised treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. Follow-up sessions are scheduled to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment. Additionally, we provide patients with maintenance tips to help preserve their results long-term, ensuring they enjoy smoother, clearer skin well after their sessions have concluded.

C. Positive Patient Feedback 

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the positive feedback we receive from our patients. Many share their success stories and express gratitude for the improvements in their skin’s appearance and the boost in their self-confidence. Lumi Clinic consistently receives high ratings and glowing reviews on social media and review platforms, reinforcing our reputation as a trusted provider of Pico Laser treatments. Our dedication to patient satisfaction has helped us build a loyal community of clients who frequently recommend our services to others seeking effective acne scar treatments.

3. Why Choose Lumi Clinic for Your Pico Laser Treatment?

Choosing Lumi Clinic for your Pico Laser treatment ensures you receive the highest standard of care from a team of certified dermatologists and experienced technicians. Our experts are well-versed in the latest advancements in Pico Laser technology, allowing them to deliver precise and effective treatments tailored to your skin’s specific needs. We pride ourselves on our state-of-the-art equipment, which represents the pinnacle of modern skincare technology. This commitment to using the best tools available ensures optimal results for our patients.

At Lumi Clinic, we believe that comprehensive care goes beyond the treatment itself. From the initial consultation through to post-treatment follow-ups, our team is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. We take the time to understand your skin concerns and treatment goals, providing personalised recommendations and care plans that address your unique needs. Our approach is patient-centred, focusing on delivering results that enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence.

Moreover, our clinic is known for its warm and welcoming environment. We strive to create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere where patients feel valued and cared for. This holistic approach to skincare has earned us a reputation as one of the leading clinics for Pico Laser treatments in Malaysia. When you choose Lumi Clinic, you are not just opting for a treatment; you are choosing a partner committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcomes for your skin.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The number of sessions required varies depending on the severity of your acne scars. Most patients see significant improvement after 3-5 sessions. During your initial consultation at Lumi Clinic, our dermatologists will provide a personalised treatment plan outlining the expected number of sessions for optimal results.

Pico Laser treatment involves minimal discomfort. Patients often describe the sensation as a light snapping against the skin. For those concerned about pain, we offer topical numbing creams to enhance comfort during the procedure.

Most patients experience little to no downtime after a Pico Laser session. You may notice slight redness or swelling immediately after the treatment, but these side effects typically subside within a few hours. You can resume your normal activities almost immediately.

Side effects are rare but may include mild redness, swelling, or temporary hyperpigmentation. These usually resolve quickly. Our dermatologists at Lumi Clinic will provide detailed aftercare instructions to minimise the risk of side effects and promote healing.

Some patients notice improvements after the first session, with optimal results becoming more evident after multiple treatments. The skin continues to improve over several weeks as collagen production is stimulated and the body naturally eliminates the broken-down scar tissue.


In conclusion, Pico Laser technology offers a safe and effective solution for treating acne scars, providing visible results with minimal discomfort and downtime. At Lumi Clinic, we combine the latest in skincare technology with a personalised approach to ensure our patients receive the best possible care. Our team of certified dermatologists and skilled technicians are dedicated to helping you achieve smoother, clearer skin through tailored treatment plans and comprehensive support.

Acne scars no longer have to be a permanent reminder of past skin issues. With Pico Laser treatments at Lumi Clinic, you can regain your confidence and enjoy healthier, more radiant skin. We invite you to experience the transformative benefits of Pico Laser for yourself.

Don’t let acne scars hold you back any longer. Book a free consultation at Lumi Clinic today and take the first step towards achieving clearer, scar-free skin. Contact us now to learn more about our special offers and discounts for new clients. Let Lumi Clinic be your partner in achieving the flawless skin you deserve.

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Pico Laser vs. Other Laser Options I Know the Differences

pico laser treatment


In the realm of aesthetic medicine, laser treatments stand as a cornerstone for skin rejuvenation. These procedures address various skin issues, from fine lines to deep scars. However, not all lasers deliver the same results. Understanding the nuances between different types can make a significant difference. Pico Laser, known for its precision and minimal downtime, is gaining popularity in Malaysia. This article explores Pico Laser in comparison with other laser options. We aim to help you understand why Pico Laser might be the optimal choice for your skin concerns. Let’s delve into the unique properties of Pico Laser and compare it with other widely used lasers like CO2, Diode, and Nd:YAG lasers.

Understanding Pico Laser

Speed and Precision:

Pico Laser stands out due to its ability to deliver energy in ultra-short pulses that last only a trillionth of a second, known as picoseconds. This incredible speed allows the laser to target specific skin issues with unprecedented accuracy, minimising the impact on surrounding healthy tissues. Unlike traditional lasers, which can cause extensive heat damage and discomfort, Pico Laser’s rapid pulse rate leads to less heat and thus reduces the risk of thermal damage. This precision is particularly effective in treating delicate areas of the skin where precision is crucial.

Range of Treatments:

The versatility of Pico Laser extends beyond tattoo removal; it is highly effective in treating a variety of dermatological issues. This includes acne scars, which are often difficult to diminish, and pigmentation disorders like melasma and sun spots. The laser’s ability to break down pigment particles without damaging the surrounding skin structure makes it a powerful tool for achieving a more uniform skin tone and texture. Moreover, Pico Laser can also be used to enhance skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines, offering a comprehensive solution for skin rejuvenation.

Minimal Downtime:

One of the most significant benefits of Pico Laser is the minimal downtime associated with its treatments. Patients can often return to their normal activities immediately after a session, making it an ideal solution for those with busy schedules. This is due to the non-ablative nature of the laser, which does not remove layers of skin but instead focuses on the underlying skin structure. The reduced recovery time also means less inconvenience and discomfort post-treatment, which is a critical factor for many patients considering laser therapy.

Comparing Pico Laser with Other Popular Laser Treatments

CO2 Laser:

The CO2 Laser is known for its effectiveness in penetrating deep into the skin layers, making it an excellent option for more intensive resurfacing needs, such as treating deeper wrinkles and scars. However, the intensity of the CO2 Laser requires a longer downtime, often several days or more, during which patients may experience significant redness, swelling, and peeling. While the results can be dramatic, the recovery period and potential discomfort are considerable.

Diode Laser:

Primarily used for hair removal, the Diode Laser targets hair follicles under the skin without damaging the surrounding tissue. While it is highly effective for reducing unwanted hair, its capabilities for treating skin texture and pigmentation are limited. Patients looking for a solution to skin concerns such as rough texture or uneven tone might find the Diode Laser less beneficial compared to more versatile lasers like the Pico Laser.

Nd:YAG Laser:

The Nd:YAG Laser is particularly effective for targeting deeper layers of the skin, which makes it a preferred choice for treating issues like vascular lesions and deeper pigmentation. However, its precision for surface skin renewal is not as refined as that of the Pico Laser. For patients needing detailed surface skin corrections, Pico Laser may offer better accuracy and less potential for unwanted side effects.

The Advantages of Choosing Pico Laser at Lumi Clinic

At Lumi Clinic, we tailor Pico Laser treatments to meet the specific needs of each patient. Our expert practitioners adjust the laser settings to achieve the best results, whether you’re looking to reduce pigmentation, smooth out scars, or rejuvenate ageing skin. Our clinic is equipped with the latest in laser technology, ensuring that every treatment is both safe and effective. We pride ourselves on providing a comfortable environment where patients can receive state-of-the-art care with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Pico Laser stands out due to its use of ultra-short pulses that measure in picoseconds. Unlike traditional lasers that emit energy in nanoseconds, Pico Laser’s faster pulses allow for a more intense impact with less heat. This technology enables the laser to shatter unwanted pigmentation into much finer particles. These particles are then easier for the body to absorb and eliminate. This process significantly reduces the risk of thermal damage to surrounding tissues, making Pico Laser a safer and more precise option for skin treatment.

The number of Pico Laser sessions required can vary widely depending on the specific skin issue and the area being treated. For instance, minor pigmentation problems may need only one to three sessions, while more extensive or deeper issues like severe acne scars might require several more sessions to achieve optimal results. Each session typically lasts about 15 to 30 minutes, and they are spaced about four to six weeks apart to allow the skin adequate time to heal and respond to the treatment. This spacing helps maximise the effectiveness of each session.

Yes, one of the significant advantages of Pico Laser is its suitability for all skin types, including very light or very dark skin. Traditional lasers often have limitations or higher risks of adverse effects when used on darker skin tones. However, Pico Laser’s unique delivery method minimises thermal damage and is therefore safer and more effective across various skin pigments and types. This inclusivity ensures that more individuals can benefit from its rejuvenating effects regardless of their skin pigment.

While Pico Laser is known for its safety and precision, some common side effects include temporary redness and swelling of the treated area. These effects are generally mild and resolve within a few hours to a day after treatment. Less commonly, there might be minor itching, skin peeling, or slight bruising, depending on the sensitivity of a patient’s skin and the intensity of the treatment. It’s essential to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by the clinic to minimise any side effects and protect the skin as it heals.

Choosing the right laser treatment requires a careful assessment of your skin condition, which should ideally be performed by an experienced skincare specialist. During a consultation, the specialist will examine your skin type, discuss your aesthetic goals, and review any underlying skin conditions or concerns. They will also consider factors such as your lifestyle, skin care routine, and any previous treatments you’ve had. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, they will recommend the most suitable laser treatment, whether it be Pico Laser or another technology, to ensure effective results tailored to your unique skin needs.


Choosing the right laser treatment is crucial for achieving the best skin results. Pico Laser offers a unique blend of speed, precision, and versatility, making it a superior choice for many patients. It stands out for its ability to treat various skin issues with minimal downtime. At Lumi Clinic, we provide tailored treatments that cater to individual skin types and concerns. Our experienced team ensures every procedure is safe and effective. If you are ready to rejuvenate your skin, contact Lumi Clinic today. Schedule your consultation and find out how our treatments can transform your appearance. Your journey to flawless skin begins here!

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Removing Permanent Acne Scars | Lumi Pico Laser Treatment

Pico Laser Treatment

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting over 50 million people in the United States each year. While some are lucky enough to escape acne scarring, studies show that up to 95% of people with acne will be left with some degree of acne scarring. These scars can have profound psychological effects and negatively impact a person’s self-esteem. 

Acne scars form when severe inflammation and damage occurs in the deeper layers of the skin during a breakout. There are several types of acne scars such as ice pick scars, rolling scars, and boxcar scars. These scars can range from mild indentations to deep pits on the skin’s surface. Trying to cover them up with makeup often proves frustrating, as the scars remain visible and unevenly textured.

Thankfully, advanced laser treatments are now available to effectively minimize and remove acne scarring. One of the most promising options for permanently reducing acne scars is the pico laser. This cutting-edge laser treatment precisely targets pigmentation and scar tissue at the microscopic level, helping smooth and even out depressed scars. At Lumi Clinic in Kuala Lumpur, the pico laser is specially designed to renew the skin and reveal a clear, healthy-looking complexion.

What Are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are permanent indentations that are left in the skin from severe acne lesions. They form when the dermis (deepest layer of the skin) is damaged during the healing process, resulting in fibrous tissue replacing normal skin. 

There are several types of acne scars:

Ice pick scars – Narrow, deep pits that extend into the dermis and look like holes punctured into the skin. They are usually less than 2 mm wide.

Boxcar scars – Broad depressions with steep vertical edges, creating a “boxcar” look. They are wider than ice pick scars.

Rolling scars – Wide depressions with sloping edges that give the skin a wave-like appearance. They are usually shallow.

Hypertrophic scars – Thick, raised scars that do not extend beyond the original acne lesion.

Acne scars form as a result of moderate to severe acne breakouts. When pores become clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells, it leads to lesions and inflammation. If these blemishes penetrate deeply into the skin, they can damage the tissue and collagen. As the lesions heal, the skin may not regenerate properly, leading to scarring. Genetics can also play a role in how susceptible someone is to acne scarring.

Treatments For Acne Scars

There are several treatment options available for reducing the appearance of acne scars, each with their own pros and cons:

Dermabrasion- This procedure uses a rapidly rotating device to remove the upper layers of skin, helping smooth out indented scars. It requires anesthetic and several weeks of healing. Results are decent but it can’t remove deeper scars.

Skin Fillers- Fillers like hyaluronic acid can be injected under scars to raise them to the level of normal skin. Results are temporary though, requiring repeat treatments every 4-6 months. Risk of lumps, unevenness, and allergic reaction.

Chemical Peels- Light to medium depth peels can remove damaged skin layers and stimulate collagen growth. Multiple treatments needed for gradual improvement. Can cause redness, irritation, and post-peel breakouts.

Microneedling- Tiny needle pricks trigger collagen production, helping flatten scars over time. Requires multiple treatments and combines well with other procedures. Results can be subtle and downtime is 3-7 days.  

Pico Laser- Pico laser treatment is a revolutionary new option that can safely remove acne scars in fewer sessions with less discomfort and downtime by utilizing specialized laser pulses to trigger skin healing process.

What Is Pico Laser Treatment?

Pico lasers are a newer type of aesthetic laser that emit ultra-short pulses that shatter pigment, making them highly effective for permanently removing stubborn acne scars and other pigmented lesions on the skin. 

Unlike traditional lasers that use heat to burn away imperfections layer by layer, pico lasers target pigment directly without damaging surrounding skin. The ultra-short pulse width helps confine energy to pigment particles alone.

Pico lasers work by sending strong pulses of energy that get absorbed by pigment in the skin. The laser energy shatters the pigment particles into tiny pieces that are easily eliminated by the body’s immune system.

Compared to traditional lasers, pico lasers offer several key benefits:

– More precise targeting of pigment for better results

– Low risk of post-treatment pigmentation issues 

– Minimal pain and downtime due to epidermal protection

– Safe for all skin types, even darker skin tones

– Can be used year-round, even in summer or tropical climates

The precision and gentleness of pico lasers make them an excellent option for permanently removing a wide variety of pigmented lesions, including stubborn acne scars. At Lumi Clinic, we use advanced pico laser technology to help patients achieve clear, smooth skin. Book an appointment with us to learn more about this technology and your skin needs!

Who Is A Good Candidate For Pico Lasers?

Pico laser treatment works best for those with lighter skin tones. The laser targets melanin, so it is not as effective on darker skin which has higher melanin levels. Those with fair to olive skin tones tend to see the best results.

People with mild to moderate acne scarring are ideal candidates. Pico laser works by creating tiny holes in the skin to stimulate collagen production and remodelling. It excels at treating rolling and indented scars. Severe scarring may require multiple treatments or other procedures in addition to pico laser.  

It’s important to have realistic expectations about the results. Pico lasers can improve scars but may not make them disappear completely, especially with deep scarring. Some people see a 60-80% improvement. Complete removal of scarring is difficult to achieve with any single treatment. Talk to your dermatologist about your goals and what improvements you can expect.

The best candidates have mild scarring and reasonable expectations about the results. Multiple sessions are often needed for optimal improvements. Pico laser works well for rolling, indented and shallow boxcar scars on lighter skin tones.

What To Expect During Treatment

The Pico laser treatment for acne scars is done in a series of sessions, usually 4-6 weeks apart, though this can vary based on your scarring severity. Here’s what you can expect during the procedure:

– A topical anesthetic cream will be applied to numb the area being treated. This is left on for 30-60 minutes prior to the laser procedure.

– You will be given protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the laser light.

– The laser handpiece will be placed directly against your skin and pulsed to deliver laser energy to the treatment area. You may feel a slight stinging or pinprick sensation as the laser pulses.

– A cooling gel is applied to the skin during treatment to protect the surface of the skin and provide comfort.

– After the procedure, the treated area may be red and swollen for up to a few hours. Your provider will apply an ointment and cover the area.

– In terms of recovery, most patients can return to normal activities immediately after treatment. The swelling and redness subsides within 24 hours in most cases. 

– Your provider will advise you on proper aftercare, such as avoiding sun exposure and using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer. This helps maximize results and prevent complications.

– Follow up sessions are done once the initial redness and swelling have resolved, usually in 4-6 weeks. Multiple sessions are often needed to achieve optimal improvement of acne scarring.

Cost Of Pico Laser Treatment

Pico laser treatment can be an affordable way to improve the appearance of acne scars for many patients. Total cost down the line for this treatment can vary depending on:

– Number of treatment sessions needed: Most patients need 2-4 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart for optimal results. The more scarring you have, the more sessions you may need. 

– Size of the treatment area: Larger areas like the cheeks or back will cost more per session than smaller areas like the forehead or chin.

– Type of scarring: Deeper scars like ice pick scars often require more intensive treatment over more sessions, increasing the overall cost.

– Clinic pricing: Fees can vary amongst different aesthetic clinics. Advanced laser technology and physician expertise may command higher pricing.

During your consultation at Lumi Clinic, our doctors will assess your scars and recommend a customized treatment plan with a price estimate so you know what to expect. We offer packages to help make repeat treatments more affordable. 

While professional pico laser scar removal is an investment, the boost in confidence and self-esteem from clear, scar-free skin is priceless for many patients. The results can last for years with proper sun protection. With flexible pricing options at Lumi Clinic, pico laser treatment can put the power back in your hands to reveal your best skin.

Why Choose Lumi Clinic?

Lumi Clinic is the top choice for effective and safe acne scar removal in Kuala Lumpur. With over 10 years of experience specializing in picosecond laser technology, our clinic has successfully treated thousands of acne scar patients. 

At Lumi Clinic, we customize every pico laser treatment plan based on your unique skin and scar type. Our experienced doctors and nurses take the time to thoroughly assess your skin during an initial consultation. We then develop a personalized treatment schedule tailored to your particular needs and desired outcome.

Our staff makes your comfort, safety and satisfaction our top priority. We use the latest techniques to ensure your picosecond laser session is as quick and painless as possible. Our caring nurses provide exceptional before and after care.  

With Lumi Clinic’s extensive pico laser expertise and personalized approach, you can trust you are in the most capable hands. We’ve helped numerous acne scar sufferers finally achieve clear, flawless skin. Experience the difference of Lumi Clinic’s skilled pico laser specialists for optimal, lasting acne scar removal.

FAQs for Lumi Clinic's Pico Laser Treatment for Removing Permanent Acne Scars:

   Acne scars come in various forms, including ice pick scars, boxcar scars, rolling scars, and hypertrophic scars. Pico laser treatment works by emitting ultra-short pulses to shatter pigment, effectively targeting and removing stubborn acne scars. Unlike traditional lasers, pico lasers provide more precise targeting with minimal risk of post-treatment pigmentation issues.

   Pico laser treatment works best for individuals with lighter skin tones, typically those with fair to olive skin. Ideal candidates have mild to moderate acne scarring, especially rolling and indented scars. It’s important to have realistic expectations, as severe scarring may require additional sessions or complementary procedures. Consultation with a dermatologist helps determine candidacy based on individual skin needs and goals.

   Pico laser treatment offers several advantages, including more precise targeting of pigment, lower risk of post-treatment pigmentation issues, minimal pain and downtime, and suitability for all skin types. Unlike traditional lasers, pico lasers work by shattering pigment without damaging surrounding skin, making them an effective and gentle option for permanently removing a variety of pigmented lesions, including stubborn acne scars.

   After a pico laser treatment session, the treated area may experience redness and swelling for a few hours. Most patients can return to normal activities immediately, with swelling and redness typically subsiding within 24 hours. Proper aftercare, such as avoiding sun exposure and using recommended skincare products, is advised to maximize results and prevent complications. Follow-up sessions are typically scheduled 4-6 weeks apart.

   The total cost of pico laser treatment can vary based on the number of sessions needed, the size of the treatment area, the type of scarring, and clinic pricing. Factors such as deeper scars or larger treatment areas may require more intensive treatment and, consequently, increase the overall cost. During a consultation at Lumi Clinic, doctors assess scars and provide a customized treatment plan with a price estimate. Flexible pricing options and packages are available to make repeat treatments more affordable.