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Profhilo | Injectable Skin Care Before and After Photos

Anti Aging Malaysia | Lumic Clinic

Introducing Profhilo

The Revolutionary Injectable Skin Care In the realm of skin rejuvenation, innovation is key. Welcome to Lumi Clinic, a haven where transformation meets expertise. Discover the magic of Profhilo, an injectable breakthrough that transcends traditional beauty methods, restoring your natural radiance and elevating your confidence.

Welcome to Lumi Clinic

Your Trusted Partner in Skin Rejuvenation Step into the world of modern aesthetics at Lumi Clinic, where science and art intertwine to bring forth your most vibrant self. We understand the significance of feeling your best, and our mission is to empower you on your journey to revitalized skin.

The Science Behind Profhilo

Unveiling the Marvels Within Profhilo Dive into the heart of Profhilo, where science and beauty unite. This remarkable injectable is not just a product; it’s a fusion of advanced technology and artistry, working harmoniously to bring about transformative results.

Behind the remarkable results of Profhilo lies a meticulously crafted fusion of scientific innovation and aesthetic mastery. Understanding the science behind this revolutionary injectable unveils its power to transform skin from within.

At the heart of Profhilo’s science is hyaluronic acid (HA), a natural substance found in our skin that plays a crucial role in maintaining moisture, volume, and elasticity. Profhilo harnesses the magic of HA, but not just any HA—Profhilo employs a unique hybrid composition, known as the “Hybrid Cooperative Complex,” which sets it apart from traditional dermal fillers.

This intricate complex consists of high and low molecular weight HA. The high molecular weight HA acts as a protective shield, providing hydration and enhancing the skin’s overall texture. The low molecular weight HA delves deeper, stimulating collagen and elastin production, fortifying the skin’s structural integrity.

Profhilo’s brilliance lies in its ability to initiate a process known as “bio-remodeling.” As the injectable is strategically placed beneath the skin’s surface, the Hybrid Cooperative Complex orchestrates a symphony of renewal. The high molecular weight HA hydrates and revitalizes, while the low molecular weight HA acts as a catalyst for cellular regeneration.

The low molecular weight HA component triggers a response within the skin, signaling fibroblasts—the collagen-producing cells—to spring into action. This stimulation leads to a surge in collagen and elastin production, resulting in firmer, plumper skin with improved texture and resilience.

Unlike traditional dermal fillers, Profhilo’s unique properties ensure a gradual and harmonious transformation. This avoids the overly dramatic shifts associated with some aesthetic procedures, offering a more natural and refreshed appearance that maintains the integrity of your individual beauty.

The Profhilo Procedure at Lumi Clinic

Your Profhilo Experience Unveiled Embark on a journey to rejuvenation as we guide you through the Profhilo procedure at Lumi Clinic. Our team of skilled practitioners ensures that your experience is not only effective but also comfortable and tailored to your unique needs.

  1. First, we begin with a detailed consultation and examination to determine if the procedure is suitable for your current situation.
  2. Before commencing the injection, EMLA cream is applied to the injection site for 30-40 minutes to reduce the sensation of pain.
  3. Five BAP points are injected on each side of the face.
  4. Post-procedure care cream will be provided, and you will be given a follow-up appointment date to revisit the clinic.

The Five-Point Injection Technique in Profhilo: A Closer Look

The Five-Point Injection Technique in Profhilo represents a refined and strategic approach to administering this innovative injectable treatment. This technique offers several advantages, including lower risk of bruising and injection marks, as well as the potential for faster hydration and lifting results. Let’s delve into each of these aspects for a more comprehensive understanding:

Precision and Reduced Risk of Bruising

In the Five-Point Injection Technique, Profhilo is skillfully injected at five key points on each side of the face. This precision minimizes the chances of bruising, as the injections are strategically placed away from sensitive blood vessels. The controlled delivery of the product ensures that the surrounding tissues remain undisturbed, resulting in a lower risk of visible bruises.

Minimal Injection Marks

The carefully chosen injection points in this technique also contribute to a reduction in injection marks or small lumps that can sometimes occur with dermal filler treatments. Profhilo is known for its high spreadability and integration into the skin, and the Five-Point Injection Technique capitalizes on this characteristic, promoting even distribution and minimizing the likelihood of visible injection marks.

Accelerated Lifting Results

Profhilo’s ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production is accelerated by the Five-Point Injection Technique. By delivering the product strategically to five key points on each side of the face, the technique maximizes the bio-remodeling effect. Low molecular weight HA within Profhilo activates fibroblasts, prompting them to produce collagen and elastin more rapidly. This leads to faster and more noticeable lifting and tightening of the skin.

Symmetrical and Balanced Outcomes

By focusing on five precise injection points on each side of the face, the technique ensures a symmetrical and balanced result. This attention to detail is particularly crucial for achieving a harmonious and natural-looking outcome, as it allows for precise adjustments to address asymmetry or specific concerns in different areas of the face.

In summary, the Five-Point Injection Technique in Profhilo offers a comprehensive approach to treatment, minimizing the risk of bruising and injection marks while optimizing hydration and accelerating the lifting effects. This technique underscores the precision and effectiveness of Profhilo as an advanced aesthetic treatment option.

Why Choose Profhilo at Lumi Clinic?

Expertise and Experience

Your journey toward luminous skin is led by experts who understand the intricacies of aesthetics. At Lumi Clinic, our practitioners bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, guiding you with precision and care.

Cutting-Edge Technology and Safety Standards

Experience the synergy of innovation and safety at Lumi Clinic. Our commitment to using cutting-edge technology and adhering to stringent safety standards ensures that your journey to rejuvenation is both effective and secure.

Client Testimonials

Profhilo Before & After


Elevate Your Radiance with Profhilo As we conclude this journey, remember that Profhilo isn’t just about rejuvenation—it’s about unlocking your confidence, reclaiming your glow, and embracing a life of self-assurance.

Frequently Asked Questions Profhilo

One of the remarkable aspects of Profhilo is its gentle approach. Most patients describe the treatment as minimally uncomfortable, with sensations often likened to tiny pinpricks. The discomfort is fleeting, and many find the results well worth the momentary sensation.

The transformative effects of Profhilo unfold over a course of two sessions, spaced approximately one month apart. During this time, the Hybrid Cooperative Complex sets the stage for bio-remodeling, gradually renewing your skin’s vitality. By the second session, the results become increasingly evident, unveiling smoother, firmer, and more radiant skin.

Profhilo’s safety profile is a testament to its scientific precision. While mild redness, tenderness, or swelling at the injection sites may occur, these effects are temporary and generally subside within a day or two. Our team at Lumi Clinic prioritizes your comfort and well-being, ensuring a smooth post-treatment experience.

The rejuvenating effects of Profhilo have the potential to last up to 6 to 12 months, making it a semi-permanent solution that doesn’t necessitate frequent touch-ups. However, individual results may vary based on factors such as age, skin condition, and lifestyle choices.


Absolutely. Profhilo’s versatility allows it to complement and enhance various aesthetic treatments. It can be seamlessly integrated with other procedures like dermal fillers, Botox, or laser therapies. Our expert practitioners at Lumi Clinic will design a customized treatment plan that optimally combines therapies to meet your unique goals.

These frequently asked questions encapsulate some of the crucial aspects of Profhilo. At Lumi Clinic, we understand that making informed decisions is essential to your aesthetic journey. Our commitment is to provide you with the knowledge, comfort, and personalized care you need to embark on a transformative experience that embraces the wonders of science and the artistry of beauty.