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Mesolipo Fat Melting Injection | Lumi Aesthetic Clinic

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In the contemporary world of aesthetic enhancements, the pursuit of a sculpted, lean physique without the invasiveness of surgery has led to groundbreaking innovations. Among these, Mesolipo fat melting injections stand out as a beacon of non-surgical fat reduction, offering a compelling alternative to traditional methods. Lumi Aesthetic Clinic, located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, is at the forefront of this revolution, delivering tailored Mesolipo treatments that promise not only to redefine your silhouette but also to enhance your overall self-image.

Mesolipo: The Non-Surgical Path to Fat Reduction

Mesolipo injections harness the power of naturally derived phospholipids, combined with cutting-edge pharmaceutical advancements, to specifically target and dissolve fat cells in areas of concern. This minimally invasive approach leverages the lipolytic properties of phosphatidylcholine, a substance intrinsic to the human body, to break down fat cell membranes, resulting in their subsequent elimination from the body via natural metabolic processes.

Key Advantages of Mesolipo at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic

Choosing Mesolipo at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic brings a multitude of benefits:

  • Non-Invasive Technique: With no need for anesthesia and devoid of surgical risks, Mesolipo offers a safe and comfortable fat reduction solution.
  • Zero Downtime: Resume your daily activities immediately post-treatment, making it ideal for those with busy lifestyles.
  • Targeted Fat Loss: Mesolipo’s precision allows for the contouring of specific body parts, achieving natural and harmonious results.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various body areas, including the chin, abdomen, thighs, arms, and back, Mesolipo offers a comprehensive body contouring solution.
  • Efficiency: Quick sessions of just 30 minutes provide convenience and fit easily into any schedule.
  • Safety and Efficacy: Backed by scientific principles, Mesolipo ensures effective fat dissolution with minimal side effects.

How Mesolipo Works Its Magic

The efficacy of Mesolipo lies in its targeted action on adipocytes. By introducing phosphatidylcholine directly into fatty tissues, the treatment disrupts fat cells, releasing their contents for natural elimination by the body. This process not only reduces fat volume but also encourages a smoother, more toned appearance in the treated areas.

Tailored Treatment Areas

Mesolipo’s versatility allows for its application across various regions of the body, making it an ideal choice for addressing:

  • Chin and Jawline: Refine your facial profile by eliminating the dreaded double chin.
  • Abdomen: Achieve a flatter, more defined midsection by targeting stubborn belly fat.
  • Thighs: Sculpt your thighs with targeted treatments that address both inner and outer fat deposits.
  • Arms: Bid farewell to upper arm flab, revealing toned and slender limbs.
  • Back: Smooth out bra rolls and back bulges for a sleeker, more contoured back.

The Mesolipo Journey at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic

Embarking on a Mesolipo treatment at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic involves a personalized approach, with sessions tailored to your unique body contouring needs. Typically, the journey spans 1-6 sessions, with each lasting 30-60 minutes. The procedure is characterized by minimal discomfort, thanks to the application of a local anesthetic cream, ensuring a pleasant and relaxing experience.

Post-Treatment Experience and Recovery

Post-Mesolipo, patients can expect minimal downtime, with common side effects such as swelling, redness, and bruising being transient and resolving swiftly. The gradual and natural fat reduction becomes evident within weeks, culminating in a more sculpted and refined physique over the following months.

Ideal Candidates for Mesolipo

Mesolipo is most effective for individuals close to their ideal body weight but struggling with localized fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise. It’s not a weight-loss solution but rather a contouring treatment for refining and sculpting specific areas.

Comparative Advantage of Mesolipo

When juxtaposed with other fat reduction modalities like CoolSculpting and liposuction, Mesolipo shines for its minimal downtime, lower risk profile, and ability to produce natural, subtle results without the need for surgery.

Investing in Your Contour: The Cost of Mesolipo

The investment in Mesolipo at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic is tailored to the individual, dependent on the areas treated and the number of sessions required. Despite the personalized nature of each treatment plan, Mesolipo remains a cost-effective alternative to surgical options, offering significant aesthetic benefits without the associated costs and recovery time of more invasive procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Mesolipo is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment that uses injections of phosphatidylcholine and other lipolytic agents to dissolve and eliminate unwanted fat cells from specific body areas. It works by breaking down the fat cell membranes, causing the fat cells to release their contents, which are then naturally processed and eliminated by the body.

Patients may experience mild discomfort during the Mesolipo injections, but the procedure is generally well-tolerated. Lumi Aesthetic Clinic applies a local anesthetic cream to the treatment area to minimize any pain. Each session typically lasts 30-60 minutes, depending on the size and number of areas being treated.

The number of Mesolipo sessions required varies based on the individual’s body composition, the area being treated, and the desired outcome. Most clients see noticeable improvements with 1-6 sessions, spaced 1-4 weeks apart. Our specialists at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic will tailor a treatment plan to meet your specific needs.

Mesolipo is versatile and can be used to treat various parts of the body where localized fat deposits are present. Common treatment areas include the chin, abdomen, thighs, arms, and back. It is effective for both small and larger areas, providing a contoured and more toned appearance.

Mesolipo requires minimal downtime, allowing most patients to return to their normal activities immediately after the treatment. Temporary side effects may include redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection sites, but these typically subside within a few days. Drinking plenty of water and light massage of the treated area can help promote the elimination of the dissolved fat.


At Lumi Aesthetic Clinic, we’re committed to empowering our clients through innovative, non-surgical solutions. Our expert team is dedicated to crafting personalized treatment plans that align with your aesthetic goals, ensuring a journey towards your ideal physique that is as rewarding as the results themselves. If you’re ready to transform your body and boost your confidence without the need for surgery at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic could be your perfect solution. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a more sculpted, confident you.

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Suffering From Panda Eyes? Lumi Clinic Eyebag Treatment

eyebag treatment

Many of us struggle with dark circles or bags under our eyes that make us look tired and older, affectionately known as “panda eyes”. While eyebags can happen to anyone, they are particularly frustrating as they can make us appear constantly fatigued or unwell, even after a full night’s rest. Aside from genetic predispositions, lifestyle factors like lack of sleep, allergies, and sun exposure can exacerbate undereye bags and dark circles. If you feel self-conscious about your persistent panda eyes or have noticed your eye bags getting worse lately, you may want to consider professional treatment.


In this guide, we’ll explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments for eye bags so you can take control of those pesky dark circles. Read on to learn how to bid farewell to your panda eyes for good.

  • Why do I have Panda Eyes?


As we age, the collagen and elastin in the skin underneath and around the eyes begins to break down. This results in the skin becoming thinner and losing its elasticity. The fat pads under the eyes that help support the eyes also start deteriorating. There are, however, certain conditions that can increase eyebagging, such as:


Lack of sleep – Insufficient sleep is a major cause of eyebags and dark circles under the eyes. When you don’t get enough sleep, the blood vessels under your eyes enlarge. The skin also becomes paler, making underlying blood vessels more obvious. This results in a tired, puffy appearance under the eyes.


Allergies – Allergies cause eyebags due to congestion and swelling around the eye area. Seasonal allergies in particular can trigger fluid retention and inflammation around the eyes. Rubbing at itchy, watery eyes can further aggravate this.


Ageing – As we get older, our skin loses collagen and elastin. This causes the skin around the eyes to become thinner and sag, forming wrinkles and eye bags. The fat pads under the eyes may also drop or bulge forward, creating a swollen look.  


Genetics – Some people are just prone to developing eye bags due to hereditary factors. Having naturally thinner skin around the eyes can cause blood vessels and fat pads to show through more prominently. Your bone structure can also play a role, for instance deep set eyes or a recessed eye area.

  • Why Eyebags Should Be Treated 


Having eyebags can take a toll on your appearance and self-confidence. The swollen, saggy skin under the eyes makes you look tired, stressed and older than your years. Getting treatment for undereye bags offers several benefits:


Improves appearance and boosts self-confidence. Reducing puffy eye bags helps you look refreshed, well-rested and vibrant. When you look good, you tend to feel more positive and self-assured. Removing eye bags can dramatically improve your appearance.


Reduces perceived age. Eyebags add years to your face. The sagging skin and dark circles create a worn, fatigued look that reads as older. Treating undereye bags makes you look younger and more youthful overall. 


Alleviates discomfort from swollen eye area. For some, excessive eye bags are not just a cosmetic nuisance but cause physical discomfort. The extra weight and sagging skin can feel irritating. Getting treatment provides relief from puffy eye discomfort.

  • Introducing Lumi Clinic’s Eyebag Treatment 


Lumi Clinic offers an effective, non-surgical treatment for eye bags and under eye dark circles. This quick procedure can help you look more rested and youthful. 


The eyebag treatment utilizes hyaluronic acid fillers that are perfectly safe and commonly used in cosmetic treatments. The smooth gel is injected under the eyes to add volume and fill in hollowness or sunken areas that can make eyes appear tired. 


Since there are no cuts or stitches involved, there is very little downtime required after the eyebag procedure. You may experience some mild bruising, swelling or tenderness for a couple days. Most patients can return to normal activities right after their appointment.


Results from the eyebag filler injections start to show within a few days as swelling subsides. Improvement continues over the next couple weeks. Filler effects generally last between 1-2 years. As your natural facial movements and aging slowly break down the gel, eyebags will begin to reappear. But the treatment can be repeated whenever you want to refresh your under eye appearance.


Lumi Clinic’s skilled aesthetic doctors customize the filler formula and injection sites to target each patient’s particular concerns, whether it’s puffy lower lids, hollowness, or dark circles. In just about 15 minutes, the eye area can be rejuvenated for a more bright-eyed, youthful look.

  • What to Expect During the Procedure


When you arrive for your eyebag treatment appointment at Lumi Clinic, our aesthetic doctor will first apply a topical numbing cream under your eyes. This helps make the treatment comfortable. 


Once the numbing cream has taken effect, the doctor will use a very fine needle to inject dermal filler material under your eyes. The filler adds volume, pushing out the hollows that cause eye bags.


The entire eyebag filler treatment takes around 30 minutes. You may experience some mild swelling and bruising afterwards, but this usually resolves within a week. Our doctor will provide instructions on how to care for your skin after treatment to help minimize any side effects. Most patients find the procedure is not painful, thanks to the numbing cream. And the results are worth it! The filler provides an instant improvement, reducing the appearance of tired eyes and restoring a youthful, bright-eyed look.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Lumi Clinic eyebag treatment is suitable for most patients with mild to moderate eye bags. Good candidates are in overall good health without serious medical conditions or unrealistic expectations. During your consultation, our aesthetic doctor will assess if you are a good candidate based on the severity of your eye bags, skin elasticity, bone structure, and other factors. We want to make sure the treatment will likely achieve the natural, refreshed look you desire.

There may be mild bruising, swelling, or redness after the treatment which usually resolves within a week. Most patients can return to normal activities immediately. While results are visible right away, it takes 2-4 weeks to see the full effects. Plan to take it easy the first few days, stay hydrated, and avoid strenuous exercise. Apply ice packs as needed to help minimize swelling. 

Results are not permanent, but typically last 1-2 years. How long the effects last depends on your age, bone structure, skin elasticity, lifestyle factors, and how your body responds to the injections over time. Some patients choose to come back annually for a maintenance treatment to keep enjoying youthful looking eyes.

A numbing cream is applied beforehand to minimize discomfort. Most patients tolerate the injections well. They feel like tiny bee stings. While not entirely painless, the treatment is very tolerable, especially considering the aesthetic rewards. Any soreness is usually mild and temporary. Our doctor will make sure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.


At Lumi Clinic, our eyebag treatment has delivered amazing results that leave our patients satisfied and confident. In surveys, over 80% of patients reported high satisfaction with their eyebag treatment outcomes. The results are noticeable in the reduction of puffiness, darkness, and wrinkling around the eyes. Patients who previously looked constantly tired and aged rapidly see a dramatic improvement, appearing refreshed and youthful after completing their treatment.

We understand the eyes are a major focal point of the face. With our skilled techniques and advanced technology, Lumi Clinic visibly reduces eyebags to help patients look and feel their best. The remarkable transformations speak for themselves. Contact us today to take the first step toward revitalized eyes you’ll love to see in the mirror!

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Skin Lightening Drip Therapy | Lumi Aesthetic Clinic

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In the quest for a flawless, radiant complexion, many are turning to advanced aesthetic solutions that promise more than just superficial results. Lumi Aesthetic Clinic in Kuala Lumpur is at the forefront of this beauty revolution, offering a cutting-edge treatment that’s gaining momentum for its impressive outcomes: Skin Lightening Drip Therapy. This innovative therapy is not only a testament to the clinic’s commitment to pioneering in the aesthetic field but also a beacon for those seeking transformative skincare solutions.

What is Skin Lightening Drip Therapy?

Skin Lightening Drip Therapy is an avant-garde approach that uses intravenous infusions to deliver a powerful blend of skin-brightening agents directly into the bloodstream. This method ensures unparalleled bioavailability of glutathione, the star antioxidant known for its skin lightening prowess, alongside a supportive cast of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants like vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid. By targeting the root causes of pigmentation and uneven skin tone, this therapy offers a holistic solution that not only lightens the skin but also revitalises it from within.

Ingredients of Skin Lightening Drip

At the heart of Skin Lightening Drip Therapy is glutathione, a naturally occurring antioxidant that’s pivotal in reducing melanin production in the skin. By inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase, glutathione effectively diminishes existing pigmentation and prevents new spots from forming. The result? A visibly lighter, more even complexion.

Benefits of Skin Lightening Drip Therapy

The benefits of Skin Lightening Drip Therapy extend far beyond mere aesthetic enhancement. Patients report a spectrum of improvements, including:

  • A brighter, more uniform skin tone
  • Significant reduction in dark spots, melasma, and hyperpigmentation
  • Diminished appearance of acne scars
  • Enhanced overall skin luminosity
  • Minimal downtime compared to traditional laser treatments or peels

The Science Behind the Therapy

The efficacy of Skin Lightening Drip Therapy lies in its scientific foundation. The therapy utilises a high concentration of glutathione, complemented by other skin-enhancing nutrients, delivered directly into the bloodstream. This bypasses the gastrointestinal system, allowing for maximum absorption and effectiveness. The antioxidant properties of glutathione, combined with its ability to inhibit melanin production, provide a dual-action approach to skin lightening, addressing both the symptoms and the underlying causes of hyperpigmentation.

Personalised Care at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic

Recognizing that each individual’s skin is unique, Lumi Aesthetic Clinic prides itself on offering personalised treatment plans tailored to meet specific goals and concerns. Our team of certified aesthetic doctors carefully assesses each patient’s needs, customising the drip’s formulation to maximise results while ensuring safety and comfort.

Patient Testimonials: Real Results, Real Stories

The true measure of our success lies in the satisfaction of our patients. Numerous clients have shared their transformative experiences with Skin Lightening Drip Therapy, noting not only the visible lightening of their skin tone but also an overall improvement in skin health and vitality. These testimonials serve as a testament to the effectiveness of the treatment and the personalised care provided by Lumi Aesthetic Clinic.

Journey Towards Luminous Skin: What to Expect

Embarking on the journey to luminous skin with Skin Lightening Drip Therapy at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic involves a series of treatments, typically 4-6 sessions, spaced at least a week apart to allow for optimal absorption and efficacy. The treatment process is seamless and relaxing, with each session lasting about 30-60 minutes, allowing patients to unwind in the tranquillity of our clinic.

1. Aftercare and Longevity of Results

Post-treatment care is minimal, with most patients able to resume their daily activities immediately. To enhance and prolong the effects of the therapy, we recommend a maintenance regimen, including hydration, sun protection, and potentially follow-up sessions, depending on individual response and desired outcomes.

2. A Holistic Approach to Skincare

At Lumi Aesthetic Clinic, we believe in a holistic approach to skincare, recognizing that true beauty stems from overall health and well-being. Our Skin Lightening Drip Therapy is complemented by a range of services and advice aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, ensuring that the benefits of the treatment extend beyond the surface.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Skin Lightening Drip Therapy is an advanced aesthetic treatment that involves the intravenous infusion of a specialised cocktail containing glutathione, vitamins, and antioxidants to lighten the skin tone, reduce pigmentation, and enhance overall skin health.

Yes, when administered by qualified professionals in a controlled clinical environment, Skin Lightening Drip Therapy is safe. The ingredients used in the drip, such as glutathione and vitamin C, are naturally occurring substances in the body and are well-tolerated.

Each Skin Lightening Drip Therapy session at Lumi Aesthetic Clinic typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the specific treatment plan tailored for the individual patient.

While individual results may vary, most patients begin to see noticeable improvements in their skin tone and texture after 4 to 6 sessions, spaced about a week apart. The exact number of sessions will depend on your initial skin condition and desired outcomes.

The results of Skin Lightening Drip Therapy can be long-lasting, especially with proper aftercare and maintenance sessions. However, factors like sun exposure, lifestyle, and genetics can affect the longevity of the results. It is recommended to follow a healthy skincare regimen and consider periodic maintenance treatments to prolong the effects.


Lumi Aesthetic Clinic stands as a sanctuary for those seeking not only to enhance their appearance but to redefine their relationship with their skin. Our Skin Lightening Drip Therapy is a testament to our dedication to offering innovative, effective, and safe aesthetic solutions. By choosing Lumi Aesthetic Clinic, you’re not just opting for a treatment; you’re embracing a philosophy of beauty that values health, individuality, and the transformative power of expert care.

Ready to unveil your brightest, most even-toned complexion yet? Contact Lumi Aesthetic Clinic today to schedule your consultation and discover how Skin Lightening Drip Therapy can illuminate your natural beauty. Our team is dedicated to guiding you every step of the way towards achieving your ultimate skin goals in a supportive, professional, and luxurious environment.