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Body And Hair Treatments

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"Transform Your Body, Transform Your Confidence"

Boost your confidence with our body treatments. Our range of treatments can help you achieve your desired look and improve your overall well-being.

Stubborn Fat

Stubborn fat refers to localised areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. These areas of fat can be frustrating and difficult to get rid of, even with a healthy lifestyle.
One treatment option for stubborn fat is Saxenda, a prescription medication used to treat obesity. Saxenda works by reducing appetite and increasing feelings of fullness, leading to a reduction in caloric intake and weight loss.
Saxenda can be an effective option for those struggling with stubborn fat, but it should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional and as part of a comprehensive weight loss program. Other treatment options for stubborn fat include liposuction and non-invasive fat reduction procedures such as CoolSculpting.

Treatments at Lumi Clinic includes:

  • Mesolipolysis
  • Saxenda
  • HIFU

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks, also known as striae, are long, narrow streaks, stripes or lines that develop on the skin. They are commonly seen on the abdomen, thighs, hips, breasts, and upper arms. Stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched rapidly due to weight gain, growth spurts, pregnancy, or muscle building.
Although stretch marks are harmless, they can cause cosmetic concern for some people. There are several treatment options available to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, including topical creams, laser therapy, and micro-needling. These treatments work by stimulating collagen production and improving skin texture. However, it’s important to note that no treatment can completely remove stretch marks, and results may vary depending on the severity and age of the stretch marks. It’s best to consult with a medical professional to determine the most effective treatment option for individual cases.

Treatments at Lumi Clinic includes:

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
  • Newest/ Plinest
  • Skin Boosters
  • CO2 Laser
  • Pico Laser

Excessive Sweating

Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by excessive sweating that goes beyond what is necessary to regulate body temperature. This condition can cause discomfort and embarrassment, leading to social isolation and reduced quality of life.
There are several treatment options available for hyperhidrosis, including antiperspirants, medications, Botox injections, and surgery. Antiperspirants and medications can help control sweating, but may not be effective for severe cases. Botox injections are a safe and effective treatment option for reducing excessive sweating in specific areas such as the armpits, hands, and feet. Surgical options such as sweat gland removal or sympathectomy may also be considered in severe cases.

Treatments at Lumi Clinic includes:

  • Botox

Body Hair Removal

The treatment is most effective on dark, coarse hair, and can be used on various areas of the body including the legs, arms, underarms, bikini area, and face.
Multiple sessions are required to achieve the desired results, and the number of sessions will depend on the thickness and density of the hair, as well as the individual’s skin type and hair growth cycle.
Laser hair removal is generally safe, but some minor side effects such as redness, swelling, and mild discomfort may occur. It is important to have the treatment performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of complications.

Treatments at Lumi Clinic includes:

  • Diode Laser Hair Removal

Tattoo Removal

Tattoo removal with laser is a safe and effective way to eliminate unwanted tattoos. Laser energy targets the ink particles in the skin, breaking them down into smaller fragments that the body can naturally eliminate. The number of sessions needed for complete removal depends on factors such as the size, color, and location of the tattoo. The process may cause some discomfort, but it is generally well-tolerated. Patients should follow proper aftercare instructions to promote healing and avoid complications. Overall, laser tattoo removal is a popular and reliable option for those looking to erase unwanted tattoos

Treatments at Lumi Clinic includes:

  • Pico Laser

Hair Loss & Hair Growth

Hair loss can be a distressing experience for both men and women. There are many reasons why someone may lose their hair, including genetics, hormonal changes, medications, underlying health conditions, and even stress. Understanding the cause of your hair loss is important in determining the best course of treatment.
Fortunately, there are a variety of treatment options available for hair loss. Some of these include topical medications, such as minoxidil, oral medications, such as finasteride, hair transplant surgery, and low-level laser therapy. It’s important to note that not all treatments will work for everyone, and some may have side effects or limitations. Before starting any treatment for hair loss, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend the best treatment plan for you. They can also help manage any expectations and address any concerns you may have about the treatment.

Treatments at Lumi Clinic includes:

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
  • Newest / Plinest
  • Hair Fillers
  • Minoxidil/ Finasteride
  • Cellular Therapy
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