- Medical Director
- Malaysia Aesthetic Certificate (MAC)
- Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM)
- Member of Malaysian Medical Association (MMA)
Meet Dr Koh, the talented medical professional who is changing the game in the field of aesthetics. He has an impressive background, having graduated from AIMST University with a medical degree. His journey started with working as an Anaesthetic Medical Officer at Hospital Sultan Ismail where he quickly made a name for himself as an attentive, dedicated and skilled doctor.
While Dr Koh excelled in this field, he knew that there was something more out there that he wanted to explore. That’s when he discovered his passion for aesthetics. He became captivated by the artistry and precision of the field and made the bold decision to dive right in and pursue it wholeheartedly.
Since then, Dr Koh has put his heart and soul into learning everything he can about the world of aesthetic medicine. He has honed his skills and become a true expert in his field. He is known for his meticulous attention to detail and his dedication to providing exceptional care to every patient he works with.
What sets Dr Koh apart is his unwavering passion for aesthetics. He believes that every person deserves to look and feel their best, and he takes great pride in helping people achieve their desired look. His knowledge and expertise have enabled him to help many people transform their appearance and feel more confident in themselves.
Dr Koh is constantly keeping up-to-date with the latest advancements in aesthetic medicine, ensuring that he can provide the highest quality services and cutting-edge techniques to every patient he works with. With his caring and compassionate approach, he has won the hearts of many, and he is determined to continue making a positive impact on the world of aesthetics.